How many people normally use the local warming center?

Fellowship Missions is located on East Winona Avenue in Warsaw. News Now Warsaw file photo.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW — Do you ever wonder how many people take advantage of the local Warming Center during frigid conditions?

With this week’s arctic blast of sub-zero weather, warming shelters across the region open their doors to assist those in need.

One of those is Fellowship Missions on East Winona Avenue in Warsaw, which offers shelter during inclement weather during the winter months and promoted its services this week ahead of an arctic blast that sent wind chill readings down toward 20 below.

As of 6 a.m. Wednesday, the temperature stood st -2 degrees with a wind chill of -15.

Executive director Eric Lane said the warming center service has become a good fallback in recent years for those in need.

On the other hand, the shelter doesn’t normally see a stampede.

“We haven’t had a ton of people come out,” Lane said. “We might have averaged six people a night when we’re open. I think the most we’ve had in one night might be nine.”

While the numbers are not large, it’s still important to those who need the service, Lane said.

The shelter, which often runs near full capacity, sets up cots for those wanting to escape the cold. Those who drop in for the night can also find other services.

“We try to give them exactly what we give our residents on a daily basis,” Lane said.

He said seven people took advantage of the warning center on Monday night.

Wednesday’s high was expected to reach 18 and highs over the next few days are expected to reach into the mid- to low 30s, the National Weather Service said.