If you are looking to save a few dollars for your Thanksgiving meal next week, prices are looking pretty favorable.
According to an Indiana Farm Bureau Thanksgiving market basket survey, the average price for a 16-pound turkey is down 24 percent this year to $1.02 per pound, compared to 2018 prices at $1.34 per pound. Overall, that shows a five dollar drop from $21.47 to $16.32.
According to the American Farm Bureau, turkey wholesale prices are up significantly this year, so the decrease in consumer turkey prices can be attributed to competition between retailers in an effort to draw customers to their store for the upcoming holiday.
According to this year’s pricing survey, the average cost for a Thanksgiving dinner for 10 this year, including 12 traditional food items, is $42.66 or $4.26 per person, which is approximately 10 percent cheaper than in 2018.