Here is the weekly news from the Milford Public Library:
Welcome Back
Milford Public Library was excited to welcome back the Knitting Club! For several months, the Knitting Club was unable to meet in person. That did not stop a few of them from meeting in a different way. They set up a Zoom meeting for the regular Thursday afternoons of knitting together. Thursday, July 16 was the first in library meeting for this group since March. As staff member Trisha, spoke to those in attendance, she learned a virtual member was attending the meeting as well. Trish Bennett, from Shelbyville, had been joining the Zoom calls and wanted to continue joining in the fun. We are happy their love of knitting has kept them busy and connected throughout this season of life. We look forward to the Knitting Club’s next meeting, Thursday, August 6 at 1:30 pm in the Teen Area of the Library.
Census 2020
Have you filled out your Census survey yet? Please take the time to take this important survey, it will only take a few minutes. You have several options, by mail, online or over the phone. It is very important to participate in the survey. The Census funds many programs, such as public transportation, Medicare and Medicaid, libraries, community centers, school meal programs, parks, playgrounds, and many others. Visit 2020CENSUS.GOV for more information, or to get started today!