Warsaw Community High School senior Brooklyn Rummer wants to have the skills and education to perform eye surgery after graduating college.
She is part of the high school’s co-op program for seniors. She is in the paid program and is at The Spectacle Shoppe, Warsaw, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Rummer said at the end of last year she interviewed to get accepted into the co-op program and once she was accepted she interviewed at The Spectacle Shoppe and was accepted for the job.
“I knew someone who was part of the co-op program last year at The Spectacle Shoppe and the school turned in my application and I was accepted,” Rummer said.
She will attend Indiana University Bloomington in the fall and is planning to study biology or physiology.
She said her duties in the co-op program are to schedule appointments and answer phone calls, clean glasses and file paperwork.
“I want to be an opthalmologist and perform cataract surgery,” Rummer said. “I started out wanting to be a dentist, but through research decided I wanted to be an opthalmologist.”
She said the co-op program allows her to be independent. She leaves the school at 10 a.m. and goes to the co-op program. She takes Math, English and Advanced Placement biology at WCHS.
Jason Rich, optometrist and The Stectacle Shoppe co-owner, said Rummer is the businesse’s second co-op student.
“It’s a good program. The co-op students provide work around the office that we need help with,” Rich said.
Rummer learns to talk to the public and multi-tasking.
Rich said someone wanting to work in the optometery or opthalmology field needs to be a good student and have good communication skills.
(Story By The Times Union)