Washington STEM Academy Honored At Symposium

Washington STEM Academy was recognized in front of prominent Indiana STEM business representatives during the Fall 2015 Indiana Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Symposium, “Connecting K-12 Schools and STEM Businesses Regionally,” held at the Project Lead the Way Headquarters in Indianapolis.
According to a Warsaw Community Schools press release, special guests at the presentation included Melissa Moritz, deputy director of STEM, United States Department of Education; Steve Braun, commissioner, department of workforce development; and Vince Bertram, director of Project Lead the Way.
STEM Coach Ben Barkey stated, “Without the dedication of our staff and students, this recognition would not be possible. The STEM certification is an important piece in our school’s growth to become a leader in STEM education.”
Barkey and Principal Tom Ray also facilitated a break-out session as a highlighted model of business-elementary school STEM integration. Washington STEM Academy was among the inaugural cohort named STEM Certified Schools by the Indiana Department of Education announced in July.
“As the principal of Washington STEM, this validates the hard work of our staff. We are excited of being a model STEM program that we can share with others,” Ray is quoted as saying.
David Robertson, WCS chief academic officer, said, “Washington STEM Academy's recent recognition as a Certified STEM School is a testament to the planning, preparation, ongoing learning and hard work of its teachers, staff and administration. Mr. Ray and his team at Washington have made preparing students for our modern workforce a top priority. Through their work at Washington STEM, students are inspired and equipped to pursue whatever dream they wish.”