Shoreline grant program available on four lakes

News Release

WARSAW — The Healthy Shorelines Initiative Grant program is available this year to residents of Center, Chapman, Pike, and Winona lakes.

The Healthy Shorelines Initiative provides grant assistance of up to $1,000 to homeowners for shoreline projects that improve water quality and shoreline habitat while reducing erosion and decreasing runoff.

To be eligible, the project site must be located on Center, Chapman, Pike, or Winona Lake, and the applicant must pay at least 25% of the total cost of the project.

Applications are available on the TWF website, and the application deadline is Aug. 1, 2024.

What are healthy shorelines?

The accepted norm on many of our lakes is to have a mowed lawn up to the edge of a concrete seawall. Concrete seawalls are not natural or healthy for our lakes. In fact, they disrupt the critical ribbon of life on lake shorelines, create added wave action, and
stir up the bottom sediments. Sedimentation is the suspension of nutrients and material in our lakes, which is one of the main reasons for algae growth, green muck and fish scarcity in our lakes.

Healthy shorelines (and adjacent lawns) have an abundance of plants both on the land and in the water. Glacial stone (or rock) seawalls are an improvement over concrete because they help slow wave action. Natural shorelines can also be incredibly beautiful and easy to maintain without interfering with recreation.

Examples of projects under the TWF Healthy Shorelines Initiative include stone re-facing of concrete seawalls, bioengineered seawalls, and glacial stone seawalls.

For more information contact The Watershed Foundation at or 574- 834-3242. For more information about Healthy Shorelines and how TWF takes action for healthy lakes visit the website and click “Take Action.”