Overpass north of Milford set to open soon

A view of the new overpass, looking west. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

MILFORD — The new railroad overpass north of Milford will open within a few weeks, giving motorists a straight shot from SR 15 to Syracuse.

Kosciusko County Highway Superintendent Steve Moriarty said the construction project is now waiting for inspections before it can be opened to traffic.

Also on Tuesday, Moriarty updated the county commissioners on plans to seek bids on a related paving project that will stretch from the new overpass along CR 1300 all the way to Syracuse.

The new layer of asphalt is expected to cost nearly $1.8 million and will rely on federal ARPA money. Bids will be sought this fall and paving will be done before June, Moriarty said after Tuesday’s meeting.

Opening the overpass will eliminate the traditional traffic jog involving CR 100E and CR 1250N needed by motorists coming and going from SR 15.

The overpass will provide a direct line over a set of railroad tracks and Main Street that run parallel with SR 15 further to the west.

The overpass was a joint project under the Tracks grant program involving the federal government, Norfolk Southern and the state of Indiana.