Marsh building nixed from consideration by library board

The city of Warsaw currenty owns the old Marsh supermarket. News Now Warsaw file photo.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW — The architectural firm hired by the Warsaw Community Public Library has ruled out consideration of the Marsh supermarket property for a future re-location.

Library Director Heather Barron told the library board on Monday that the building’s floor just wasn’t designed to house heavy bookshelves.

The Library is in the early stages of determining whether to renovate its existing building at the corner of Center and Detroit streets or look elsewhere.

Officials had toured the grocery store property, which is owned by the city of Warsaaw, but never expressed confidence that it would be a suitable location.

Barron said they are keeping their options open on future plans, but their focus right now is determining how much it might cost to rehabilitate the existing library, which is fraught with a wide range of problems that need to be addressed.

Barron said the library is working with various community groups to see what they might want in a future library.

A community survey is also underway. The public is invited to participate with written surveys available at the library and one online through an existing QR code. Codes for both English and Spanish can be seen below.