Indianapolis cracking down on street takeovers for ‘spinning’

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Kurt Darling
Network Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS — City leaders in Indianapolis are taking their first steps in levying tougher penalties on people busted for illegally taking over public streets for what are known as “spinning” events.

This is essentially when street racers shut down roads and/or parking lots to do donuts with cars in front of spectators.

These events have been becoming more and more frequent throughout the city, so much so that Indianapolis Metro Police had to call in some help from Indiana State Police over the weekend to keep ahead of these events.

Now, the Indianapolis City-County Council has introduced a new ordinance that would stiffen the penalties for those caught spinning in Indianapolis.

Participants, including organizers and promoters, would face a $250 fine while spectators would be fined $100. In addition, any vehicle seized in connection with such an event would be impounded for at least 30 days.

Deby Abel, a resident of the far-east side, attended the council meeting where it was introduced Monday night and told the council that these new penalties don’t go far enough.

“They could care less about $250,” Abel said. “It’s not hard for them to raise $250. You take their car away? They’re going to be hurting.”

Abel said that she has been particularly impacted by spinning near where she lives.

“It sounds like it’s in my back yard. You can hear the screaming and the yelling and I’ve watched the videos, it’s not only unsafe for us in the neighborhood with the coming and the going, but also for the kids involved,” she said.

She also lamented the disrespect for law enforcement from those taking part.

The City-County Council’s public safety committee will discuss the proposed ordinance at it’s next meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 25.