Amish Acres in Nappanee and Wawasee Boat Co. in Syracuse recently received the Governor’s Half Century Business Award.
“It is quite an accomplishment to successfully run a business for over 50 years,” State Rep. Curt Nisly (R-Milford) said. “I congratulate both Amish Acres and the Wawasee Boat Co. for receiving this award and for their important contributions to our community.”
Amish Acres, established in 1968, and Wawasee Boat Co., established in 1929, were among 65 Indiana companies and organizations honored with the Governor’s Century or Half Century Business awards at a Statehouse ceremony on March 21.
The awards recognize Hoosier businesses that have remained in continuous operation in Indiana for at least 50 or 100 consecutive years, and demonstrated a commitment to community service.
For more information, visit www.iedc.in.gov.