Warsaw Mayor Joe Thallemer (C) hangs a World Series Champions Chicago Cubs flag Friday before the start of the Warsaw Board of Public Works and Safety meeting. He noted that many in Warsaw are Cubs fans, and their World Series win certainly needed to memorialized. He had Clerk-Treasurer Lynne Christiansen (L) note it in the minutes that the Cubs were recognized at the meeting. Board member George Clemens, a White Sox fan, was absent from the meeting. (David Slone/Times-Union)

It was a short agenda of grants and contracts before the Warsaw Board of Public Works and Safety Friday.

During its meeting, board members Jeff Grose and Mayor Joe Thallemer approved:

• Renewal of the annual contract for 2017 with KEMRAD Inc. for traffic control, as requested by Warsaw Police Department Chief Scott Whitaker. The contract, which is effective from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2017, is for $5,000.
Whitaker said KEMRAD does traffic control for events like parades, the fair and high school home football and basketball games so that police officers don’t have to take on the task.

• The Warsaw Police Department’s acceptance of a $5,000 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Non-Motorist grant and to participate in that program. The program pays overtime to officers to address traffic safety concerns among pedestrians and pedacyclists. Locally, the grant will enable officers to provide education, dedicate enforcement and provide safety strategies in heavy pedestrian and bicycle areas, including greenways, trails, side paths and sidewalks. Winona Lake Town Coordinator Craig Allebach applied for the grant through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute and Winona Lake also will receive $5,000. No matching dollars are required for the grant.

• For the WPD to participate in and accept a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration grant funding for Operation Pull Over. This program pays overtime to officers to enforce seat belt, child restraint and impaired driving laws.  Kosciusko County law enforcement agencies will share the $48,000 award, with the WPD’s portion being approximately $10,000. Other county agencies participating are Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department and the police departments in Syracuse, Winona Lake, North Webster, Mentone, Milford, Silver Lake and Claypool. These federal grant monies are administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute and locally by the Town of Winona Lake. There is no local match for the grant, which is for fiscal year 2017 (Oct. 1, 2016, to Sept. 30, 2017).

• For Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Director Sheila Wieringa to apply for a grant with the Walmart Foundation for up to $2,000. Wieringa said a Walmart representative contacted her about the funds, and they are earmarked for the Parks, but an application is still required.

• Renewal of the annual contract with Pro Air Midwest Inc. to provide maintenance on the air tanks for the WPD Dive Team and Warsaw-Wayne Fire Territory. The maintenance fees are paid by each department, with the fire territory paying $2,340 and the WPD paying $1,170.

• A contract with Emergency Reporting, which is a reporting service. The fire territory’s current reporting program continues to have issues and is not an up-to-date program. The Emergency Reporting program will support all the needed state requirements of incident reporting. The current reporting system with Firehouse ends in 2017, and to renew with Firehouse would be a single year payment of $8,470. Emergency Reporting is a yearly agreement, not a contract, with an annual user fee of $3,576. There will be a first-time setup fee associated with moving the current records and department information, and setup of the department’s information. The first-year total fee is $1,498 for a total of $5,574.

• An agreement with CFS Inspections  to have the annual inspection completed on the fire department’s ladder truck. Inspection costs total $925.

• A pay application for $1,801.39 to American Structurepoint Inc. for engineering services concerning the Buffalo Street redevelopment project, which is currently in the design phase. Once the design work is completed, the project will be bid in December or January, with construction expected to begin in the spring.

• A payment for $6,110.17 to VS Engineering Inc. for preliminary engineering services for the Market Street project. The city will be reimbursed for 80 percent of the costs through the Indiana Department of Transportation.

• The annual COBRA administrative fee schedule effective Jan. 1, with Dunn & Associates serving as the third-party administrator.