The Warsaw Common Council is looking to re-establish funds for the Cumulative Capital Development and Fire Equipment Fund rates.
Public hearings were held at the Monday meeting, but no comment for either rates were made for or against them. Mayor Joe Thallemer said the CCD is used mainly for stormwater projects, but has been used for roads. The rate will not succeed five cents per $100 of assessed valuation. The rate on the CCD in 2018 was four cents, down from 4.6 in 2017.
The rate for the Fire Equipment Fund rate will be 3.3 cents per $100 of AV and will be levied beginning with taxes in 2020 and payable in 2021. This rate is at the maximum allowable, up from 3.1 in 2018.
City Planner Jeremy Skinner presented a resolution for an additional appropriation of $300,000 for the redevelopment general fund. Skinner said the money was in the 2019 budget for the senior housing project on East Market Street, but it was not finalized and therefore was not spent. Skinner wants the money to get put into this year’s budget.
There will be second hearings for the CCD and FEF funds at the March 2nd common council meeting.