The following by Maddie Jo Shultz, Times-Union Correspondent
At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Claypool Town Council heard from Suzie Light of the Kosciusko Economic Development Corporation (KEDCO).
Light provided KEDCO information and resources to the Council. The countywide affiliate provides entrepreneurial support for new and expanding businesses, with a focus on talent attraction and retention.
There will be a KEDCO-sponsored roundtable meeting for elected officials at 6 p.m. June 17 via Zoom.
In old business, the police department’s retired Crown Victoria was sold.
In new business, Council President Benny Stage reviewed a quote for new swing sets at the jungle gym in the park. The $1,000 quote would include four swings. Stage asked for another quote to compare before making a decision.
The town will be flushing hydrants today and Friday, so residents’ water could be slightly rusty in color for a short time.
Town marshal Ben Sanders reported 188 calls for service and 174 reserve road hours in what he called a busy month for the police department. Sanders issued 17 ordinance violations for a number of abandoned vehicles and lawn/sanitation issues.
The Council approved the use of Law Enforcement Continuing Education Funds (LECEF) for future police training- and equipment-related expenses, including an upcoming mental illness and drug overdose conference Sanders will attend in June.
Before adjournment, Stage signed claim vouchers and reminded everyone that trash pickup is on Wednesdays for residential waste and Thursdays for dumpsters or commercial waste.
The Council will next meet at 7 p.m. June 15.