Competitive Tri Kappa Trivia match ends in tie

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News Release

WRSAW — Tri Kappa Trivia Night 2023 — the third in a yearly series — was a lively evening that ended in a tie between the 2021 and 2022 Tri Kappa Trivia champions, the Graybeards from Warsaw and Wawasee schools, and an upstart challenge from Lake City Bank.

Held on Saturday evening, November 4, at the Roost at Creighton’s Crazy Egg Café in Warsaw, the event drew a sellout crowd of nearly 150 players. Trivia questions ranged across multiple topic areas including movies, sports and geography. The event also featured great food, a 50/50 raffle and games. Proceeds from the Tri Kappa fundraiser benefit community organizations and fund scholarships for area students.

The upstart team from Lake City Bank tied for the Tri Kappa Trivia 2023 win: front, left to right, Kati Rice and Kim Brandy. Back, left to right, Don Robinson-Gay, Matt Smith, Wes Brandy and Ben Rice.

Tied for the 2023 title, the Graybeards, teachers and civilians from Warsaw and Wawasee
schools: front, left to right, Dan Wray and Jon McDillon. Back, left to right, Kevin Gearhart,
Kent Kleeman, Hunter Reed and Rogge Merriman. This team won Tri Kappa Trivia in 2021 and 2022.

“We’re delighted to host such a fun evening that has been growing each year,” said Vicky Decker, co-chair, Tri Kappa Trivia. “Even better, we’re able to support local organizations and students right here in town.”

After fierce competition and overtime questions, the evening ended in a tie. The Graybeards, teachers and civilians from Warsaw and Wawasee schools, led by Dan Wray, captured one of the winning spots. They tied with an upstart team from Lake City Bank, led by Don Robinson-Gay. Both teams said they were planning on a rematch in 2024.

Tri Kappa is a philanthropic organization founded in 1909 and dedicated to supporting the arts, education and charity in local communities. Tri Kappa has awarded scholarships since 1914, to students at the local, province and state levels. Tri Kappa Trivia 2023 thanks this year’s event sponsors including Bartel Printing, Brian Peterson Real Estate, Lake City Bank, Our House Real Estate and Warsaw Cut Glass.

The Graybeards, teachers and civilians from Warsaw and Wawasee schools: front, left to right, Dan Wray and Jon McDillon. Back, left to right, Kevin Gearhart, Kent Kleeman, Hunter Reed and Rogge Merriman. This team won Tri Kappa Trivia in 2021 and 2022.
The upstart team from Lake City Bank tied for the Tri Kappa Trivia 2023 win: front, left to right, Kati Rice and Kim Brandy. Back, left to right, Don Robinson-Gay, Matt Smith, Wes Brandy and Ben Rice.