County Park Board seeks to meet master plan deadline

Kosciusko County Courthouse.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW — Kosciusko County’s new park board is working to complete a master plan that would open the door for funding opportunities.

Park Board member Rob Bishop told the county commissioners on Tuesday he thinks that will the help of the Michiana Area Council of Governments, they will achieve an April 15 deadline.

Having a park board and a master plan are almost always keys to being in line for grant money, Bishop said.

“That’s our first hurdle. Let me tell you, it’s been a cannonball process to get there, but we are on track to do that,” Bishop said.

“We’d certainly like to be turning some dirt, but we know we have to secure some funding before you can turn dirt.”

The board recently wrapped up a community survey that yield input from some 500 people.

The board was established last year and the main focus, for now, is to expand the network of existing bike trails.

Bishop said they’ve gained lots of support from groups throughout the county.

He said she plans to provide county leaders with regular updates on the board’s work.