The coronavirus is something new that local health officials are having to tackle.
Teresa Reed from the Kosciusko County Health Department, speaking on the air Monday morning, said she started to pay attention to the situation in Wuhan, China last November. She said there is something there, especially when a city of 11 million was shut down for 600 cases.
She said one thing about the coronavirus is something could be asymptomatic and could get sick at some point. She mentioned the more symptoms a person is showing, the more of the virus they could spread. She also said it is not the same as the flu as no one is immune and the death rate is higher than the flu, along with the exponential growth where cases could grow ten times over the next two weeks.
Someone who is suspected of having the virus is asked to quarantine for 14 days or if they have been sick, they need to be symptom free for 72 hours without the use of medicine.
You can watch the interview with Teresa Reed in its entirety here.