Warsaw Community Schools would like to thank Tammy Boggs, former Eisenhower librarian and current 4-H STEM Program Coordinator, for extending an invitation for Eisenhower kindergarten students to tour their farm.
While Ed Boggs and Tammy Boggs have hosted many farm tours over the years to local students, this was the first tour for Eisenhower kindergarten students hosted by 4-H volunteers.
Tammy Boggs added, “We like to share agriculture! We want students to know where their food comes from and how it’s grown. Hopefully, after students tour the farm, and they see a farmer working in the field, they will make the connection that all farmers are working to feed the world.” Tammy’s 4-H family and colleagues joined her to make this a very special and educational field trip.
Students moved from station to station and learned all about how a seed grows into our food, how hard farmers work, how important livestock is, and so much more. There was high engagement as students also climbed into farm vehicles, played a game to dress like a farmer, had a picnic lunch, and made a seed necklace. The weather was perfect. It will certainly be a day they will remember for a long time!
Warsaw Community Schools would like to thank Ed, Tammy, Thomas, and the 4-H team for their hospitality, for creating educational lessons, and for expanding students’ opportunities to better understand the importance of agriculture. Warsaw Community Schools offers appreciation to our farmers and to all who serve in the agriculture industry. WCS students and their families can join 4-H for upcoming events like 4-H Day Camps, the 4-H Roadshows, and the County Fair on July 11-16.
To learn more about the local 4-H, call the office at 574-372-2340 or visit their website at http:extension.Purdue.edu/