PRESS RELEASE FROM FULTON COUNTY SHERIFF CHRIS SAILORS – The Fulton County Sheriff’s Department along with the Fulton County Fire Association, 911 Dispatch and Fulton County Emergency Management Agency is conducting a county wide Active Shooter Exercise on Saturday, July 30, 2016. This event will take place at the Caston School Corporation located at 9815 S., SR 25 Rochester.
“This exercise will test our County Responders and mutual aid with other surrounding counties to respond and coordinate efforts in situations such as this” said Sheriff Chris Sailors of the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department. “Due to recent events that have been occurring in the world today we better have a plan to deal with these unfortunate and needless situations”.
Sheriff Sailors, Sheriff Randy Pryor and Sheriff Jeff Richwine will be participating as well as other agencies from Cass, Fulton and Pulaski Counties. Multiple observes will be on hand to learn how to better prepare worksites for an event such as this.
Planning Partners for this event have included, Caston School Corporation, Woodlawn Hospital, Indiana State Police, Fulton County and Cass County Sheriff’s Departments and Fulton County EMA. As the focus is on our schools, an event of this nature could happen anywhere at any time whether be a school, business or governmental building.
The exercise will take place south of Fulton at the Caston School starting first thing in the morning. Please be aware of multiple Emergency vehicles in the area starting Saturday morning through most of the afternoon.
For more information on this event please contact Sheriff Chris Sailors at the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department 1-800-419-2819 or email cdsailors@co.fulton.in.us