Future city park will include cricket field, 18-hole disc golf course

Above is engineering artwork for the future airport park. The circular part in the middle represents the cricket field. Much of the remaining land is reserved for disc golf and a walking trail. Adding sanitary sewer is a big part of phase one.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW — The city of Warsaw plans to construct a new park near the airport that will be dog-friendly and will feature a cricket field and an 18-hole disc golf course in the first phase.

Plans were discussed at Monday’s redevelopment commission meeting.

The 60 acres along CR 300N and adjacent to the airport would represent the first park on the city’s north side.

Jeremy Skinner, the city’s director of community and economic development, said the park would emphasize alternative recreation beyond the traditional sports of baseball, football, soccer and softball.

The first phase could be completed by the end of 2025, Skinner said.

The park will also be the first one in the city system that allows dogs, albeit on leashes.

“We’ve got lots of support, we’ve got lots of phone calls, we’ve got lots of emails. People are excited about it,” Skinner said. “The dog-friendly part, I think, is huge.”

Pickleball and a rugby field are tentatively planned for phase two, which does not have a timetable for now.

A maintenance building and restrooms would be part of phase one.

Part of a walking trail is also part of the first part.

Sanitary sewer extension is one of the bigger costs in phase one.

On Monday, the redevelopment commission approved an amendment to a contract with the engineering firm, DLZ Engineering.

The city previously paid DLZ $46,300 for preliminary work. The amendment to that agreement increases the fee to $354,300 to include the full design of phase one.

Construction cost for phase one would be covered with tax increment finance revenues and grant money, which is still to be sought and secured, Skinner said.

Once the final design is complete, the city will seek grant money.

“The goal is to make phase one around $2 million, but it may be closer to two and half, million,” Skinner said.