Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana (GSNI-M) is pleased to announce that two Girl Scouts have earned their Gold Award. Gold Award Girl Scouts don’t just change the world for the better, they change it for good. The Gold Award is earned by girls in grades 9-12 who demonstrate extraordinary leadership in developing sustainable solutions to local, national and global challenges. Since 1916, Girl Scouts have answered the call to drive lasting, impactful change. The Gold Award is the mark of the truly remarkable.
Taylor Andresen, who will be a senior at Goshen High School, titled her Gold Award project “Building Awareness for Older Girl Scouts.” The daughter of Kathy and Jason Andresen, Taylor’s goal was to build awareness for Girl Scouts in high school. She wanted people to know that Girl Scouts offers programming for high school-age girls and to potentially recruit older girls. She designed a custom letter jacket featuring her highest awards and chevrons for every program level completed. She wore the jacket to pass out flyers about what it’s like being an older Girl Scout. She hopes that other girls order jackets and her project is sustainable.
Miranda Cash, of Columbia City, completed an Ice Skating Resource Book for Parents and Activity Book for her Gold Award. The daughter of Margaret and Robert Cash, Miranda found ice skating confusing when she began learning the sport. She decided to create a pamphlet for parents of new skaters that included information on safety, equipment, nutrition, the importance of stretching and physical benefits of ice skating. She also created an ice skating-themed activity book for elementary children with coloring pages, word searches and word scrambles. These assets are kept at Miranda’s partnering organization, the Fort Wayne Ice Skating Club.