Grace College Wind Ensemble to Perform ‘Give Us This Day’ on Sunday at PAC

The spring concert features Grace College senior Jake Smith performing "Rhapsody for Euphonium."
News Release

WINONA LAKE — The Grace College Wind Ensemble will perform its spring concert, “Give Us This Day,” at 4 p.m. Sunday at Warsaw Performing Arts Center, 1 Tiger Lane, Warsaw.

The concert is free and open to the public. Doors open at 3:30 p.m.

“In this concert, we are digging into some exceptionally challenging music,” said Eric Criss, the ensemble’s director. “I’m excited to share ‘Give Us This Day’ by David Maslanka with our audience.  This piece is quite demanding for the woodwinds and requires a bold performance from the brass.  Add in numerous percussion parts, and you have the makings of an exciting production.”

While the original inspiration for “Give Us This Day” was a book by a Buddhist monk, Criss says there are numerous Biblical overtones to the tune. Most notably, the title is taken from The Lord’s Prayer.  The piece also closes with music inspired by Bach’s “Vater Unser in Himmelreich,” which translates to Our Father in Heaven. Criss noted a keen listener will also catch moments of the Doxology as the music builds into an emotional finale.

“It is incredible how God can use anything in His creation to speak to and to encourage His people,” said Criss. “Whether we’re playing a hymn, a chorus, musical selections or a march, God has given us all kinds of music to praise Him and catch a glimpse of His goodness through His creation. It is always our goal for audiences to participate in the gifts of music given to us by the Creator.”

The band, which rehearses weekly on the Grace College campus, is a collection of Grace students and Warsaw/Winona Lake community members. This concert will feature Grace College senior Jake Smith performing “Rhapsody for Euphonium.”

According to Smith, who joined the Grace College Wind Ensemble during his freshman year, the group has played a significant role in his college experience over the last four years.

“As an accounting major with a music arts minor, and now finishing up my MBA, playing the euphonium has been a great creative outlet alongside my studies,” said Smith.

“Being part of the ensemble has allowed me to make friends and grow as a musician. More than that, it’s been a way to use my gifts to glorify God and be part of something greater. I’m grateful for the memories and the music, and I know I’ll carry both with me after I graduate this May.”

The Grace Wind Ensemble Spring Concert is a part of the Grace College & The Village at Winona Festival of Music. Upcoming concerts include the CAP/Lancer Chorus Spring Recital on March 22 at 7 p.m. in the Rodeheaver Auditorium, Hudson Felsman’s Senior Recital on March 29 at 7 p.m. at Winona Lake Grace Church and the Student Vocal/Instrumental/Ensemble Recital on April 26 at 4 p.m. at Winona Lake Grace Church.

To learn more, visit

Photo Attached:  The Grace College Wind Ensemble’s spring concert features Grace College senior Jake Smith performing “Rhapsody for Euphonium.”