Indiana church that had anti-LGBTQ sign reportedly forced out of building

(photo supplied / ABC 21)

The Auburn church that made news due to its controversial LGBTQ sign has been forced out of its building, according to ABC 21 in Fort Wayne.

The Remnant Fellowship Church had a sign outside of its doors back in June that read, “LGBTQ is a hate crime against God. Repent.” Below, a smaller sign read, “All are welcome.”

Saturday, a church member told ABC 21 that they had been kicked out of their building, but when asked if they planned to relocate, the church member said “no comment.”

The church maintains it is not intolerant of others’ beliefs, but finds that those on the other side of the issue are intolerant of the beliefs of the Remanent Fellowship Church.

RELATED: Church sign in Auburn goes viral for anti-LGBTQ message