Indiana mayor charged with paying man for sex, man accused of not disclosing he had HIV

A southeastern Indiana mayor has been charged with a misdemeanor count of patronizing a prostitute while the man he is accused of paying for sex is charged with failing to disclose he has HIV.

Indiana State Police say 60-year-old Batesville Mayor Richard Fledderman was served with an arrest warrant Tuesday.

The Associated Press couldn’t reach him for comment Wednesday. His home phone rang unanswered and he didn’t immediately respond to a message left on his office phone or an email.

State police say 42-year-old Randy Wigle-Stevens of Indianapolis was charged with a felony count of failure to disclose dangerous communicable disease status and misdemeanor counts of prostitution and intimidation. He has an unlisted telephone number.

Police say Wigle-Stevens threatened to go public unless Fledderman paid him more money after they had sex in June.