Manchester Council Plans More Road Surfacing

Chester Township, Wabash County, IN. (Photo via Wikipedia)

The following by Maddie Jo Schulz, Times-Union Correspondent

At Wednesday night’s meeting, the North Manchester Town Council awarded a bid to Gaunt and Sons for future paving work and extended the town’s contract with Jones and Henry Engineering.

Gaunt and Sons was awarded the $631,086.50 bid for paving work as part of the ongoing work with the Community Crossings grant. The engineering contract with Jones and Henry was extended to cap at $25,000 in service fees.

Town Manager Adam Penrod detailed the upcoming surfacing projects, which will include the following streets: Colfax, South Buffalo, High, Grant, North Buffalo, North Maple, Fourth, West, Snyder and Cecil.

In old business, the Council approved the OJI zoning change request, general ordinance 3, on third reading.

Jim Smith remarked on the success of late July’s Summer Fest, especially the variety of food vendors and excellent fireworks display.

Clerk-Treasurer Carrie Mugford signed a conflict of interest form as owner of Round Barn Metal Works. Miracle also signed a form for his work with INGUARD Insurance.

The Council will next meet at 7 p.m. Sept. 1.