Multi-Township EMS Establishes Kosciusko Civil Services Fund For The Community

A $750,000 donation from Multi-Township EMS to the Kosciusko County Community Foundation established a new endowment, the Kosciusko Civil Services Fund, to benefit the community.
The purpose of the new fund is to provide charitable support and assistance to area fire departments, law enforcement, emergency services and projects or programs related to emergency response. Examples of grants that could be made from the fund include: funding for civil services education or training, emergency response equipment, defibrillators, police or fire protective gear, emergency shelters and severe weather alert systems.
The donation was made possible through the acquisition of Multi-Township EMS by Lutheran Health Network in August, according to a press release from the Foundation.
“The Community Foundation regularly receives grant requests from fire and police departments and municipalities for projects or purchases related to emergency response. This fund will generate grant dollars every year to help us respond to those requests,” said Kosciusko Community Foundation Executive Director Suzie Light.
“For 38 years, representatives of Multi-Township EMS and now Lutheran EMS Kosciusko have been committed to delivering quality emergency medical service coverage to the Kosciusko County community. This endowment will allow their good works to continue locally for many years to come,” said Scott Sigerfoos, director of Lutheran EMS Kosciusko.
The Kosciusko Civil Services Fund is endowed, which means the original gift is not spent. Rather, it is invested and the earnings made available for grant making, forever. One hundred years from now, this fund will still be providing support to our local communities to meet the emergency needs of its residents, the release states.
Nonprofit organizations and communities located within Kosciusko County may apply for grants from the Community Foundation online at
Grant application deadlines throughout the year are Jan. 15, May 15 and Sept.15.
Since 1968, Kosciusko County Community Foundation Inc. has brought caring people and charitable endeavors together for the good of the community, the release states. The Community Foundation is a public charity, and gifts made to the Foundation are tax-deductible.
For more information about the Community Foundation, visit, call 574-267-1901, or visit the office at 102 E. Market St., Warsaw.