County officials sworn in included (from left) front row: Michael Long, county council district 2; Rhonda Helser, auditor; Gail Chapman, assessor; Deborah Wright, recorder; back row: Brad Voelz, prosecutor; Jim Smith, sheriff; Robert Conley, commissioner southern district; David Wolkins, county council district 4; and Anthony Ciriello, county council district 3. Not present was Kimberly Cates, county council district 1. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw
WARSAW — A large crowd witnessed the swearing-in of new officeholders in Kosciusko County on Tuesday in the old courtroom of the Kosciusko County Courthouse.
Circuit Court Judge Michael Reed swore in county-level officeholders as well as a large number of township trustees.
The ceremony took place after the county commissioners’ meeting.
Aside from those who were re-elected, they will assume office on Jan. 1.
Township trustees sworn in Tuesday included, from left, first row: Molly Bradford, Lake Township; Julia Goon, Prairie Township; Melanie Vanlaningham, Franklin Township; second row: Craig Charlton, Plain Township; Rita Anglin, Etna Township; Gwendolyn Ostrom, Jackson Township; Tracy Moyer, Harrison Township; third row: Dean Rhoades, Washington Township; Jeanie Stackhouse, Wayne Township; Aime Hoffman, Seward Township; Richard Stutzman, Scott Township; and Joe Cazier, Turkey Creek Township. Not present were Helen Brown, Clay Township; Beth Krull, Jefferson Township; Jon Engelhaupt, Monroe Township; Christopher Francis, Tippecanoe Township; and Diane Perry, Van Buren Township. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.A large crowd attended Tuesday’s ceremony in the old courtroom of the Kosciusko County Courthouse. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.