SOUTH BEND, Ind: Despite a call from the student government, the University of Notre Dame has no plans to revoke an honorary degree awarded to Bill Cosby back in 1990.
Notre Dame’s Student Senate passed a resolution by a 21-0-and-6 vote recommending the honorary degree be rescinded, according to the South Bend Tribune. It also calls for public clairification of the process by which those degree recipients are selected.
The administration says Notre Dame has never revoked an honorary degree and does not intend to single out Bill Cosby to be the first.
This request from the students comes amidst renewed discussion of the issue of sexual assault on American college campuses, including at Notre Dame. Cosby has received honorary degrees from about 60 schools of higher learning, at least of 26 of which have been rescinded.
George Washington University in Washington DC had also never rescinded an honorary degree before, and said they would hold firm to that. They changed their mind in January and revoked Cosby’s degree from 1997.