Parents and students alike met in the gym at Washington STEM Academy as second grade science teacher Josh Wall hosted a science show Thursday night.
Students had the opportunity to make some messes, learn scientific experiments and share their excitement with their parents.
According to Wall, the class has been putting the presentation together for four weeks. He integrated the science lessons with moral lessons. Chad James, one of the parents, said that his son had never been so excited for science. His son loved the hands-on mess that Wall created, and James said he enjoys and respects Wall’s effort to make school engaging.
According to Wall, the class has been putting the presentation together for four weeks. He integrated the science lessons with moral lessons. Chad James, one of the parents, said that his son had never been so excited for science. His son loved the hands-on mess that Wall created, and James said he enjoys and respects Wall’s effort to make school engaging.
Principal Tom Ray said he was pleased with the crowd of parents eager to support their children.