By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw
WARSAW — Parking for youth football games at Fribley Field on Market Street in Warsaw will soon be expanded a bit.
That’s because the city has recently been clearing out some trees in the area and will revamp what has been a makeshift parking area east of the field in the past.
The city acquired the land a few years ago.
Fribley Field attracts large crowds and parents whose children participate in the youth league often park in a church parking lot on the north side of Market Street.
Parks Superintendent Larry Plummer said he was unsure of exactly how many parking spaces the entire area would hold, but said it will likely just about double in size.
The lot is roughly a half acre, he said.
Cleanup in recent days involved the removal of vegetation, saplings and sizeable trees.
“Hopefully, that will prevent some of the parking across the street and make it safer for the kids,” Plummer said.
He said the lot would not immediately be paved, but would be ready for the upcoming football season.
“I think it will improve it. It probably won’t solve it but we do the best we can down there,” Plummer said.