By David Slone
WARSAW — Parkview’s footprint is continuing to grow in Warsaw.
Parkview Health System Inc. petitioned the Warsaw Board of Zoning Appeals on Monday for a use variance to allow medical use in an Industrial-2 zoning district on CR 200N.
City Planner Justin Taylor told the board the proposed facility will include an ambulatory surgery center (ASC) and medical office building. The hours of operation will be 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. They anticipate 140 employees with an average of 500 to 600 patients daily. Outpatient surgeries will take place on the campus, but there will not be 24-hour stays, he said.
“Although the comprehensive plan recommends light industrial uses in this area, this request should not interfere substantially with its intent. Considering that there are very few undeveloped parcels zoned for medical uses, it is the opinion of the Planning Department that this request should be viewed favorably,” Taylor said.
Representing Parkview Health System Inc., attorney Michael Hoffman, of Beers Mallers, Fort Wayne, said the property is about 17 acres, northeast of U.S. 30 in Warsaw and south of CR 200N.
“Parkview acquired this overall site for the construction of a Parkview Physicians Group medical office building. Also, for ONE’s construction of its office building. The construction of an ambulatory surgery center and possibly the construction of a VA (Veterans Administration) clinic,” Hoffman said.
“Additional land to the west of the subject site is being acquired for proposed future access to U.S. 30. We won’t know whether or not this access will be approved for some time, but we wanted to show it on the plans before you this evening.”
He said there will be monument building and directional signage, but the signage plan is not yet complete.
“The medical uses proposed will not adversely impact neighboring properties and will not interfere substantially with the comprehensive plan. Due to a lack of existence of medically zoned parcels within the county, and the need for additional health care facilities, a unique circumstance is present. Approval of the variance will in fact further public health and the general welfare of the community in that necessary additional healthcare services will be provided,” Hoffman said.
He said the development will provide high-quality healthcare with state-of-the-art facilities for the benefit of the community.
Board President Rick Keeven asked what exactly ambulatory surgery was. Hoffman replied the facility will have surgical procedures but there’s no overnight stays.
With no remonstrators, the board unanimously approved the variance.
Before the meeting, Hoffman said the ASC will be the first building built. It will be 14,750 square feet and cost $11 million. Construction is planned to start in March and be completed by July 2025.
The ASC will be followed by the Parkview Physicians Group medical office building and then the ONE (Ortho NorthEast) clinic. The VA clinic is in talks currently so the facility is just a possibility at this point.
In other business, Rast Development LLC petitioned for a variance from development standards to allow a non-conforming lot size in a Residential-2 zoning district along Pope Street.
The proposed lot sizes are 60 feet wide with an area of about 6,000 square feet, Taylor said. The requirement is 66 feet wide and 8,500 square feet by municipal code. Smaller lot sizes are consistent with the surrounding neighborhood and would not look out of place, he said.
If approved, Taylor said the petitioner plans to construct three two-story duplexes, a total of six units once fully developed.
“If approved, this variance will help facilitate the development of much-needed workforce housing. So based upon the information provided and the findings of fact, it is the opinion of the Planning Department that this variance should be approved,” Taylor said.
There were no remonstrators and the board approved the petition.
Sinin Um petitioned for a special exception to allow a residence in a Commercial-2 zoning district at 658 S. Buffalo St.
The parcel consists of two buildings joined by an enclosed walkway, Taylor told the board. The building located in the front is currently a business and the building in the rear is currently not in use. He said the petitioner is hoping to convert the rear building to a single-family residence.
There is space available for parking in the rear of the lot, Taylor said, and there should be “no substantial” impact to traffic by adding a single-family residence at that location.
If approved, the petitioner will need to adhere to all building codes and flood plain regulations related to a residential conversion, he stated. Based upon the information provided and the findings of fact, Taylor said it is the opinion of the Planning Department that the variance could be viewed favorably.
The petitioner did not attend the meeting, but a neighbor, whose property abuts Um’s, had a concern. He said he knew the family and was “cool” with what they wanted to do, but was leary of what might happen to the property in the future if the Ums ever sale or rent the property. He asked if the variance was in perpetuity or just as long as they owned it.
Taylor said the special exception goes with the property. The exception was just for a single-family residence, and the Planning Department has not seen any drawings of what the petitioner plans to do yet.
The board approved the petition.
The last hearing before the BZA was for Bruce Walker’s petition for a use variance to allow a home occupation business (knife sharpening in his garage) in a Residential-1 zoning district at 2103 Brookview Drive.
The petitioner will be living at the home and will have no other employees, Taylor said. The business will operate during daytime hours and the petitioner anticipates about 20 vehicles a week. Customers will only be on the property to drop off or pick up their knives. The machine Walker will be using should not create a substantial amount of noise. There is no plan for signage on the property.
Based on the information provided, Taylor said the Planning Department’s opinion is that the variance should be viewed favorably.
Walker told the board he was trying to start a knife-sharpening business. At 68 years old, he said it was just a part-time thing to have something to do. He’s already worked his entire life.
“I don’t want to work 40 hours a week sharpening knives. I just need a couple extra bucks so I can go hunting,” he said.
With no remonstrators, the board approved the petition.