A “Patriot Freedom Rally” will be held this coming Friday at the Kosciusko County Courthouse lawn from 5 until 7 PM.
According to our partners at the Times-Union, the idea came on Facebook by organizer Kevin Kyle, who said it is a rally for “people that support our Constitution, our Founding Fathers, everything that this country was founded upon.”
Kyle says the event is not intended as a Trump rally, however he is encouraging people to bring Trump, American, and even “Don’t Tread on Me” flags, however he said he does not want the Confederate flag to be there because it is a “hot button” issue. Kyle, and co-organizer John DeGroff, also stated that the event is not an anti-BLM protest.
If anyone is interested in speaking at the event, they should contact Kyle through Facebook messenger or call him at 574-253-3395.