A woman sprints into the water as phtographers watch from a distance at Saturday's annual Polar Plunge at Oakwood Restort in Syracuse. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw
SYRACUSE — An estimated 67 people and one dog participated in Saturday’s Polar Plunge at Oakwood Resort in Syracuse Saturday.
The event was a fundraiser for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Kosciusko County. Air temperature was about 39 degrees when the event began.
Ice estimated to be about six inches thick had to be removed along the shore of Lake Wawasee for the plunge.
Photographers on both sides of the plunge had a good view. News Now Warsaw photos by Dan Spalding.
Many found the experience … exhiliaratng.
A few spectators ventured onto the ice.
She tried to hold on to her ears, apparently. See photo below.
Emergency repsonders were there just in case.
This guy used a patriotic prop.
These two worked together on a back flip. See the follow-up photo below
Back flip part two.
Excellent form for this swimmer.
Ice was removed from the plunge area.
Several hundred showed up for the frigid fundraiser.
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