WASHINGTON (Network Indiana) — Indiana Senator Todd Young doesn’t want to see his state, or the country, reverse course in the fight against COVID.
“Our kids belong in school,” Young told FOX Business. “Hoosiers and other Americans want to be at work, and we should look at this (new CDC) guidance and follow the science. But in the end, we should do what we’ve done in the state of Indiana, which is make responsible, balanced, risk-based decisions, while understanding that there’s no risk-free environment in this world.”
He added that “we should encourage our neighbors and other Americans to get vaccinated for their own health and for their neighbors’ health.”
Young also discussed the rising cost of living in the United States. He says it’s nice that some companies are offering higher wages, but at the same time, when prices of everything else goes up, it defeats the purpose.
“We have a cost of living tax increase effectively occurring on the American people right now,” he said. “Gasoline and groceries. You go to a restaurant, pay for a meal, those prices are going up. Housing costs are increasing.”
“So, though our president promised that we would not see any tax increases whatsoever on Americans who make $400,000 or less in household income, we’re, of course, seeing that. Though their wages may be rising in certain instances, as the economy opens back up, we’re seeing prices increase.”