Ten people will be graduating from the Kosciusko County Jail Chemical Addiction Program on Friday.
The men have been in what is known as a “tight-knit community” for the past four months, taking a variety of programs and classes based around recovery and life skills, including group and individual counseling, parenting, healthy living, smoking cessation, job-readiness, personal finance, banking, fitness, spiritual, and more.
Two of the men have also been working with a tutor an extra four hours each week to prepare themselves for a high school equivalency test, and have passed all five readiness tests for the HSE exam.
Program Coordinator Courtney Jenkins says the program has gained overwhelming support from the community. She stated that when contributors have come in to assist, “they are deeply moved by the experience.”
The graduation ceremony is at 11 AM in the multi-purpose room of the Kosciusko County Justice Building.