TVSC Announces Registration For New Mentone Kindergarten Center

TVSC Press Release – The Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation’s NEW preschool, The Mentone Kindergarten Readiness Center, will begin serving preschool children 3-5 years of age during the 2015-2016 school year.  The class will be taught by a licensed, experienced teacher and a paraprofessional with an adult to student ratio of no more than one adult to ten students.
Before and after school childcare, provided by the Kosciusko County YMCA, will also be available from 6:00-8:45 a.m. and 2:45-6:00 p.m. each school day.  Preschool children, as well as children in grades K-5, may participate.
Parents interested in enrolling their child in the Mentone Kindergarten Readiness Center are encouraged to attend an information and registration session at Mentone Elementary School on Tuesday, May 12, at 7:00 p.m.  For additional information contact Mentone Elementary School Principal Angela Miller at 574-353-7465 or  Information is also available from the Mentone Elementary School website at or the Mentone Elementary School Facebook page.