Two Warsaw Community Schools teachers have been nominated for a national award. The National Life Group Foundation says high school PE teacher David Wayne and Lincoln Elementary 6th grade teacher Scott Sterk are being considered for their National LifeChanger of the Year Award for 2015-16. The LifeChanger of the Year program recognizes and rewards K-12 public and private school educators and employees across the US who are making a difference in the lives of students through positive influence and leadership. Sterk and Wayne helped bring the Feed My Starving Children Mobilepack to Warsaw, which has packed more than 2 million meals for hungry children around the world in its first two years. 16 winners will be chosen by the selection committee to receive cash awards that are split between the individual winner and their school. The national grand prize award is $10,000. The top five winners will also be honored at a national awards ceremony. Megan Stone nominated the pair.