Outside storage containers will be allowed at a business on East Market Street after the Warsaw Board of Zoning Appeals approved a variance for them with conditions on Monday.
Lloyd Bailey requested a use variance to permit outside storage in a Commercial-2 zoning district at 510 E. Market St.
Assistant City Planner Jackson Longenbaugh told the board the petitioner owns a discount warehouse with lots of fluctuating inventory. Excess inventory is being stored on the south side of the building and within shipping containers on the west side. Bailey has requested to use three shipping containers for storage.
“After observing this outside storage, the fire department noted safety concerns. City staff spoke with the business owner regarding the need for a clear fire lane for emergency access. The petitioner is aware of the necessary space for emergency vehicles and the need for screening on the property,” Longenbaugh said.
With the stipulations of opaque screening along the north side of the property, three allotted storage containers along the west side of the building and a clear fire lane for emergency vehicles, Longenbaugh said it was the opinion of the Planning Department that this variance be granted at 510 E. Market St.
Board member Jeff Johnson asked if they had heard anything from neighbors. He was told notifications were sent out but they received no responses.
Bailey said he wanted a variance to allow for three shipping containers to be used for storage on the property.
“It is for excess inventory that fluctuates, comes and goes. I had five containers. I removed two, which leaves three. I’m proposing to put a privacy screen in front of the containers. From the road view, it wouldn’t be as visible,” he said, adding he wasn’t thinking about a fence all the way across but more in front on the north side of the containers. He estimated the fence would be about 28 feet long by 10 feet high.
Johnson asked if it was all going to meet the needs of the fire department as far as access from the south side of the building to the back of the building. Bailey said it would be whatever the fire department needs.
Longenbaugh said he met with Bailey last week and he gave him the dimensions and needs of the fire department.
Board President Tammy Dalton asked Bailey what his timeframe was for putting up fencing if the variance was approved. Bailey said “relatively soon, within two to three weeks.”
When Johnson asked about inventory storage within the Discount Warehouse of Warsaw building, Bailey said he has a lot and it’s always changing.
“Sometimes we go through four to five semi loads per week,” Bailey said.
Asked how often the inventory in the storage container turns, Bailey said it depends on what it is. “I would say every couple weeks to a month, something along those lines.”
Dalton asked if they were open every day, but Bailey said they’re not open to the public. “We’re only doing auction. It’s online auctions only.” There’s no real foot traffic.
There were no remonstrators to Bailey’s variance petition.
Johnson made a motion to approve the petition based on a timeline of everything being in place in six weeks and it conforms to the fire department’s needs. Board Vice President Rick Keeven seconded the motion, and it was approved 5-0.