Warsaw Community Schools invites all incoming 2016-2017 kindergarten students and parents to a round-up celebration at all elementary schools March 10 from 6 to 7 p.m.
At the celebrations students and parents will meet principals and teachers, learn about full-day and half-day kindergarten programs, see a 21st century kindergarten classroom, take a first step onto a WCS school bus, see what makes WCS a future-ready school corporation and begin to pursue a dream that will lead to graduation and a successful future, according to the school district.
“It’s a chance for our parents to come in, go to their neighborhood schools and meet the principals and kindergarten teachers and register students,” David Hoffert, WCS superintendent, said.
Last year there were 541 kindergarten students who registered.
“Registration will help us project what we need in the way of teachers and programming, but it also gives parents that first insight into kindergarten,” Hoffert said.
Kindergarten teachers will be on hand to introduce parents and students to a typical school day and to answer questions. Parents also will be able to receive information on bus routes.
Food services staff will discuss school lunches and nursing staff will talk about medical concerns a parent might have and state required immunizations.
“In many ways this is a one-stop shop for registration and preparing for the fall,” Hoffert said.
Parents also will be shown how the online registration process works and buildings will be open during the summer months when parents can register their students.
There are three programs that will be focused on including the United Way- funded kindergarten countdown program for students who do not have preschool experience coming into kindergarten.
In the program kindergarten teachers during the summer help students get ready for the kindergarten experience.
The second program is half day kindergarten with an April 1 deadline for those wanting to enter the program.
The third program is a new program called a dual language emersion program that will be at Eisenhower Elementary and will be opened up for the other elementary schools.