Warsaw School Board Monday evening awarded a bid for roof replacement at Washington STEM Academy to Morris & Sons for $96,375.
The Bourbon roofing business was the lowest bidder, according to the board. The next lowest bid was from Fort Wayne Roofing for $107,700.
At the June 9 board work session, Warsaw Community School Corp. Director of Maintenance, Buildings and Grounds Dirk Felger told the board the roof was about 27 years old and past due for repair, with the area over Section C in the worst shape. The board discussed whether to fix it now or wait to include it as part of the $39.5 million referendum project, but heard the roof leaks now and may not be able to wait six months to a year.
Chief Financial Officer Kevin Scott told the board Monday, “The numbers for the Washington roof repair are in. We did repair earlier in the year and it was not successful. We need to do this work.”
He said this roof work will not affect the referendum project.
The referendum project, approved by voters May 5, includes building a new Lincoln Elementary School and renovation and improvements to Washington and Edgewood Middle School.
Dr. David Hoffert, WCS superintendent, was not at the meeting but participated in it via Skype. He was part of a WCS team of district leaders participating in the Future Read Regional Summit Monday and today in Wadsworth, Ill. The summit is being held at Prairie Trail School.
According to a press release provided by WCS, the summit is designed to help district leaders improve teaching and learning through the effective use of technology.
WCS was recognized as one of the top 100 Future Ready Schools, hosted at the White House Nov. 19.
In the press release, Hoffert is quoted as saying WCS “is extremely honored to be recognized as a national leader in preparing students for college and career opportunities. Warsaw Community Schools is one of the foremost leaders in STEM education, providing local community partnerships, implementation of cutting-edge curriculum and technology infrastructure.”
Attending the summit with Hoffert are Chief Technology Officer Brad Hagg, Lakeview Middle School Assistant Principal Matt Deeds, Chief Academic Officer David Robertson and Warsaw Community High School Assistant Principal Geoff Walmer.
In his superintendent report, Hoffert commended WCHS and Warsaw Area Career Center for a great graduation; and reported a new school registration process is coming and parents should look for more information in local newspapers.
Board Secretary Jay Baumgartner concluded the meeting by saying the next board work session is at 4 p.m. July 14 and the next regular board meeting is at 7 p.m. July 20.
(Story By The Times Union)