The Warsaw High School gymnasium has a new name thanks to a 10-year naming rights agreement between Warsaw Community Schools and South Bend Based Teachers Credit Union. The new name will be the Tiger Den TCU Court. According to a press release, revenue from the partnership will support the school corporation’s mission to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others. Signage noting the name change will be installed both outside and inside the building and Tiger Den TCU Court will appear in all Warsaw Community Schools written and promotional materials. The 4,704-seat facility ranks in the top-third of Indiana’s largest prep gyms.
In addition to the naming rights agreement, Warsaw High’s Career Center also recently registered in the TCU Financial Empowerment Program. The free curriculum engages high school students with a unique, web-driven financial literacy program developed by teachers and personal finance experts. The curriculum teaches students critical thinking skills needed to ensure a lifetime of smart financial decisions.
“Warsaw Community Schools’ strategic priorities include partnering with local business to enhance services we offer our staff, students, and community as well as maintaining our commitment to fiscal responsibility,” said Board President Heather Reichenbach. “Beyond current support within our corporation, this expanded collaboration with Teachers Credit Union increases efficiencies in operations and allows the district to leverage its resources as we continue to provide an excellent educational experience for our children and our community.”
School District Superintendent Dr. David Hoffert added, “Warsaw Community Schools is extremely excited to expand our business and community relationship with Teachers Credit Union. A key initiative within the WCS strategic plan is to identify and foster key local partnerships. TCU has been a long-standing supporter of our students, teachers, schools and local community. This partnership expands our banking collaboration and recognizes the support provided by TCU.”