WCS Frequently Asked Question Forum Updates

(Photo supplied/Warsaw Community Schools)

Warsaw Community School has created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Forum, published on the district website. Today, WCS is addressing question 2. How can I get eLearning support? and question 13: How can I get food for my children?


Answer #2: WCS Transportation Director Mark Fick announced that beginning on March 18, he will deploy 37 school busses equipped with wifi on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to 17 areas throughout the city and county. WCS Chief Technology Officer Brad Hagg published information on the district website with more information regarding internet access for students: http://warsawschools.org/district/departments/technology Updates are posted on WCS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Forum in English:  http://bit.ly/WCSFAQS and in Spanish: http://bit.ly/WCSFAQSSpanish


Answer #13: WCS Director of Food and Nutrition Services, Marci Franks, announced that her department packed over 700 breakfasts plus over 700 lunches for students. WCS will follow a similar process to the summer program. This will be open to students in our community. WCS Food Services will offer 100 meal packages each day at each of the 7 school locations offering a free breakfast and a free lunch between 11 am to 12 noon. WCS students will receive a breakfast and a lunch, along with 2 cartons of milk to take home.  The lunch will be for that afternoon and the breakfast will be for the following morning. Tables will be set up outside in the school parking lot with a ‘grab and go’ system at each of the 7 locations.


The 7 locations are Lakeview, Claypool, Gateway, Lincoln, Leesburg, Jefferson, and Harrison. The person collecting meals simply needs to provide the first and last name of one child with the total number of children in the household. This service will begin on Monday, March 16th  through April 3rd.


Parents, with a question about a child with a special diet need, please call WCS Food Services at 574.371.5086 ext. 5. Updates are posted on WCS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Forum in English:  http://bit.ly/WCSFAQS and in Spanish: http://bit.ly/WCSFAQSSpanish


WCS will continue to meet the needs of families currently served through the Boomerang Backpack Program. Although WCS is closed, Tracey Akers, Coordinator for Warsaw Boomerang Backpack Program, announced, “WCS will provide food to students who receive a Boomerang Backpack each weekend. The need is great, and our students should still be able to receive their backpack during this time of uncertainty. We currently pack 450 bags each week, but know that number may increase in the coming weeks.” WCS bus drivers will deliver Boomerang Backpacks to the homes on Fridays (March 20, March 27, and April 3).

There are two specific requests for help from the community:


1) Financial Donations

CS buys food in bulk to provide the same items for each student each week and receive better pricing. Anyone willing to help can donate:

Online: Go to http://bit.ly/WCSBBDonation and specify “Warsaw Schools.”

By Mail: Send a check to Boomerang Backpacks  4616 E. Dupont Rd. Suite C, Fort Wayne IN 46825 and put “Warsaw Schools” on the memo line.


2) Volunteers

When: 2 PM, Thursdays (March 19, March 26, and April 2).

Where: Warsaw Community High School (Door #4 on the front, north side of the building).

Role: There are two roles: Screeners; Packers.

Sign Up Link: http://bit.ly/WCSBBVolunteer

Contact: Tracey Akers, Adult Coordinator for Warsaw Boomerang Backpack Program. Email: trakers@warsawschools.org

Special thanks to Food and Nutrition Services, WCS Transportation, Boomerang Backpack organizers, donors, and all volunteers.