Wednesday meeting at The Vic seeks input about future downtown Warsaw

A view of downtown Warsaw looking south. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW — If you have an interest in seeing downtown Warsaw evolve, Wednesday night might be your best chance to offer some thoughts.

That’s when Main Street Warsaw will host a meeting at The Vic, 110 N. Buffalo St., Warsaw.

The downtown is on the verge of significant changes — a parking garage has been proposed, construction of an apartment complex is looming on the site of the old Owens grocery property and there is talk of a convention center or entertainment venue.

Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce President Rob Parker said with so much on the horizon that it’s a good time to come forward with opinions and ideas.

“Parking will be part of the discussion, some sort of event center is going to be part of the discussion … how do we bring these assets?” Parker said.

He said they want to hear from a cross-section of the community.

Everyone, he said, is a stakeholder.

“If you work downtown, if you own a business downtown, if you like to come downtown to eat, if you’d like to come downtown to eat but don’t because of parking, or some other reason, yeah, you’re a stakeholder in my opinion. I want to hear from everybody who interacts with the downtown,” Parker said.

He also spoke highly of the idea floated recently by Warsaw City Planner Justin Taylor who suggested the city establish districts to accommodate outdoor vendors, saying the old Marsh property — currently owned and vacant — could be a good example for that kind of use.

He said some ideas are still being considered for the property.

“We’re just going to see what comes to fruition from it,” Parker said. “I see it as a huge opportunity to make it as an entryway into our downtown.”

Wednesday’s meeting at The Vic is from 5-7 p.m.