Winona Lake hires first female police officer

Amanda Escalante (L) is introduced by Winona Lake Police Chief Joe Hawn as the newest addition to the department Tuesday at the town council meeting. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WINONA LAKE — A former paralegal with the Marion County prosecutor’s office has been hired by Winona Lake as its first female police officer.

Amanda Escalante was introduced at Tuesday’s Winona Lake Town Council meeting.

Police Chief Joe Hawn said Escalante came across very well in the interview process.

“She just blew us away on just her knowledge and her desire to be a police officer so after the interview was done we decided she was the right person to be the next police officer for Winona Lake,” Hawn said.

She has been a resident of Rochester while working for the prosecutor’s office, Hawn said.

Escalante and her husband have a blended family with six children.

She spoke briefly after being sworn in and said she was looking forward to the new job.

Escalante will undergo several months of police training before she becomes an active member of the police force.

Amanda Escalante, fourth from left, is pictured with family members after being introduced as the new police officer with Winona Lake. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.