WLFD expresses concern over proposed costly federal regulations

Winona Lake Fire Chief Kevin Gelbaugh (L) listens Tuesday at a town council meeting Next to him is Police Chief Joe Hawn. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WINONA LAKE — Winona Lake is joining other volunteer fire departments in speaking out against newly proposed federal regulations.

Mike Cox, public information officer with the Winona Lake Fire Department, urged Winona Lake Town Council and others on Tuesday to contact their lawmakers in Washington D.C., saying the proposals aimed at protecting fire firefighters could be a financial death knell for volunteer departments.

Mike Cox

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is looking to adopt 30 or more of the National Fire Protection Association’s standards. 

Cox listed many of the proposals. Some of those included numerous assessments, Increased training as well as annual physical exams and skills testing.

Fire departments would also be required to track chemical exposure for all firefighters and full medical exams would be required for individuals after a certain level is reached before they can be cleared to return to duty.

He said the cost of implementing the new policies could be well beyond $14,000 per year,

“We do believe that the ways these are proposed, these regulations will have a reverse effect of decreasing the safety in our communities because volunteer fire departments will go away,” Cox said.

One regulation that seemed excessive involved the training of recruits.

“They’re going to be required to do up to 300 hours of training before they can even go on fire scene to watch,” Cox said. “Not many people are going to give up their career time or family time to get that training.”

Cox said they just learned about the specifics recently and that the deadline for the public to file comments arrives on July 22 — just a few days away.

To receive a form letter to oppose the change, Cox is urging people to email him at winonafire.pio@gmail or use this link established by OSHA.